This butt-ugly fish kept looking at me from inside it's tank at a Baltimore coffee shop I was working in. Darn you butt-ugly fish! You knew you would end up on a blog!
Facing some extended periods of internet unavailability, so we may be spotty on animals for awhile. My apologies! rest assured, the animals are getting drawn, and will be up asap!
CHALLENGE: One Animal piece of art every day for one year. Any animal, any kind of art. Usually in a suit.
WANNA JOIN THE FUN?: send me an animal! Or a job for an animal! The more obscure the better! If you get chosen, I'll give you a shout out on the blog. just send me an e-mail via my profile, and I'll take care of the rest.
Hi There! Thanks for visiting.
I am an illustrator based out of Oklahoma City.
All images, unless otherwise noted, are copyright Sam Washburn 2008-2014